Guiding principles
Breastfeeding Advocacy Australia Ltd.
​is a not-for-profit organisation with very big dreams that we hope you will join us to achieve:
Create public and government awareness of the role of successful breastfeeding as the single most important public health measure a country can implement.
Provide education to government agencies, health workers and the public about critical barriers to achieving breastfeeding, and suggest strategies to make positive change
Provide a forum for interested parties to interact and be informed.
Participate in opportunities that affect policy related to breastfeeding.
Recognise and advocate for the human rights of families and their infants in Australia to enact an informed decision to breastfeed without the existing legislative and informational barriers that exist.
Advocate for legislation to enforce the International Code of Breastmilk substitutes and the subsequent WHA resolutions (the Code).
Identify and expose products and practices that undermine informed decision making about breastfeeding that fall outside the Code.
Record breaches of the Code and report them to international, federal and state governing bodies whose role is to protect, promote and support breastfeeding.
Expose predatory marketing practices and report them to international, federal and state governing bodies whose role is to protect, promote and support breastfeeding.
Create understanding of how attitudes towards infant feeding are affected by commercial influence amongst those who work with families including, but not limited to, health professionals, academics, child care workers, teachers, legal representatives, the media and politicians.
Advocate for families to be given information about biologically normal sleep in the first 1000 days of life.
Advocate for breastmilk, breastfeeding and unpaid carers work to be recorded numerically in the GDP figures.

Breastfeeding will be culturally and politically enabled, protected and promoted as the ultimate achievable norm of infant and young child feeding in Australia.
To support individual initiatives in the area of breastfeeding support and advocacy.
To connect with like-minded individuals, organisations and policy makers in the area of breastfeeding support and advocacy to deliver a collective result of making a supportive, safe, sound breastfeeding environment for all Australian families