Become a Breastfeeding Advocate

Welcome to the frontline of change, where we are a force to be reckoned with!
We are determined, and united in our pursuit to protect mothers and children from predatory marketing that undermines breastfeeding and the biological norm.
We are here to reveal a path that dismantles corporate greed and manipulation.
Together, we create a powerful movement that challenges the status quo. Our message is clear – we stand with mothers, side by side, as they rise against predatory marketing.
For more information please download the INFORMATION SHEET

I have met some of the most passionate and driven women in my advocacy work with BAA. I feel valued, appreciated and supported to learn.
— Grace, Breastfeeding Advocate

As a breastfeeding advocate I get to share my knowledge and experience to support and encourage women and mothers feel empowered in their breastfeeding journey. I also get to interact with politicians and urge them to pay attention to women/mothers’ needs during their pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding years. I love the interaction with women. To hear how they appreciate the support is very personally satisfying.
— Kerry, Breastfeeding Advocate