Hi there,
We are BAA


Get to Know Us
Breastfeeding Advocacy Australia is a group for people who want to protect, promote and support breastfeeding
and encourage people to support each other in their efforts to advocate for breastfeeding.
The group’s premise is that breastfeeding is normal and natural and the World Health Organization (WHO)
recommendations are supported, whereby babies be breastfed exclusively to at least 6 months with the gradual
introduction of solids complementing continued breastfeeding for two years and beyond where mothers and babies
desire (see the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding, adopted by WHO in 2002, published 2003).
In the role of protecting breastfeeding, we will call to account claims made by industry regarding infant feeding
and delivery methods. We fully support the World Health Organization Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes
1981 and relevant subsequent World Health Assembly resolutions.
The group recognises that whether a person breastfeeds or not, or breastfeeds and uses artificial breastmilk, is a
matter for that person